For Immediate Release
February 13, 2012

“This is not an effective energy policy, and it most certainly isn’t a budget. It’s a plan to keep the price of energy up and the number of jobs down.” — IER President Thomas Pyle

WASHINGTON D.C. — On Monday, the Obama administration released its FY2013 Budget, a $3.8 trillion plan that requires the fourth consecutive year of trillion dollar-plus deficits.  IER President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to energy provisions outlined in the 2013 Obama budget:

“Every indication from President Obama’s new budget proposal is that this administration learned nothing from its failed Solyndra-style ventures to skew energy markets through crony capitalism. Neither has the president offered much hope for American consumers that his policies will match his recent rhetoric about increasing domestic oil and gas production on federal lands.

“Instead, President Obama is doubling down on failed energy policies that give taxpayer-funded handouts to the administration’s political allies and require thousands of new federal regulators to fight an ideological crusade against affordable sources like coal, oil and natural gas.

“Rather than capitalize on vigorous economic activity in the energy sector that already supports millions of American jobs, and scale back policies that are restricting access to our own energy resources, President Obama has offered another dead-on-arrival budget to whet the appetite of environmental extremists and pad the pockets of his largest donors.

“This is not an effective energy policy, and it most certainly isn’t a budget. It’s a plan to keep the price of energy up and the number of jobs down.”
