posts tagged as wind energy
April 2013
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Interim CEO Robert Gramlich testified on April 16 before a joint hearing of the House Science Subcommittees on...
April 2013
WASHINGTON D.C. -- IER Senior Fellow Robert Michaels will testify at 2:00PM today before a joint hearing of the House Science Subcommittees on...
March 2013
WASHINGTON D.C. -- IER Distinguished Senior Fellow Mary Hutzler will testify today before the before the House Science and Technology Subcommittee on Energy. Hutzler...
January 2013
Germany is phasing out its nuclear plants in favor of wind and solar energy backed-up by coal power. The government’s transition to...
January 2013
Congress passed an expansion of the wind production tax credit (PTC) in the recent “fiscal cliff” legislation, but employee layoffs and wind...
December 2012
The public is repeatedly told that wind and solar are “free” energy sources. Of course, this statement relates to costs once the...