posts tagged as taxes
September 2017
In my last article, I explained that two years ago the Manhattan Institute’s Senior Fellow Oren Cass wrote a masterful critique of...
August 2017
Europe and the United States need to prepare for lower gasoline and diesel tax revenues if electric vehicle sales skyrocket as some...
March 2017
IER President Tom Pyle recently wrote an article for National Review’s online magazine responding to George Schultz and Ted Halstead’s own NRO...
March 2017
Purdue professor of political science Leigh Raymond, author of Reclaiming the Atmospheric Commons, writes on the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog that...
March 2017
Many states have or are considering raising their gasoline taxes, in most cases to pay for rehabilitating their roads and bridges. About...
February 2015
WASHINGTON – The Institute for Energy Research (IER) today responded to President Obama’s budget proposal. The administration’s budget proposes $7.4 billion to...