posts tagged as Solar
August 2015
President Obama recently delivered a speech on energy in Las Vegas at Sen. Harry Reid’s “Clean Energy Summit.” Like much that is...
July 2015
Hillary Clinton recently announced two energy goals that she would undertake as President: By the end of her first term, more than half...
July 2015
Many people have been led to believe that renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar must be very affordable since...
July 2015
The Obama administration just announced a 20 percent goal for U.S. electricity to come from non-hydropower renewable energy by 2030.[i] To reach...
June 2015
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) produces forecasts of energy supply and demand for the next 20 years using the National Energy Modeling...
May 2015
President Obama has bragged that during his time in office “wind and solar electricity production has doubled” and should play a major...