posts tagged as solar energy
February 2020
The Nevada solar-energy plant Crescent Dunes has gone under after receiving a $737 million federal loan guarantee during the Obama Administration. Crescent...
October 2018
A Harvard University study suggests that, under certain conditions and in the near term, increased wind power could mean more climate warming than would be...
July 2018
According to BP’s 2018 edition of its Statistical Review of World Energy, renewable energy has not been able to fill the void...
June 2018
On June 1, 2018, China, the world’s largest solar market, announced changes to its subsidies for solar power, causing estimates of its...
May 2018
Michigan has joined other states in realizing that net metering rules as originally designed are biased against consumers without rooftop solar, raising...
April 2018
South Australia, a state of 1.7 million people, is on a renewable energy kick and has encountered price and reliability issues. South...