posts tagged as solar energy
August 2020
While billboards in California might not literally bear the slogan “Move to Texas: We have electricity!”, the real-life contrast between the two...
August 2020
The wind and solar industries have been lobbying Congress to extend the production tax credit and the investment tax credit during the...
July 2020
According to an analysis by BW Research, the clean energy industry added 106,000 jobs in June, but employment in the sector is...
July 2020
Germany heavily taxes its power consumers for the added cost of wind and solar power. Power consumers make up the difference between...
June 2020
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called wind turbines "fans", saying they did not produce much energy, and is ceasing support for...
March 2020
Solar has become a global technology and it is part of an increasingly intertwined global supply chain with China as the largest...