posts tagged as social cost of carbon
December 2014
The “carbon fee”—not a tax mind you—legislation introduced by Senators Whitehouse and Schatz epitomizes the dual reality in the debates over climate...
October 2014
In a recent post I showed that the enthusiasts for a carbon tax are really getting desperate, with people such as Paul...
August 2014
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released its report on the Obama Administration Working Group’s development of “social cost of carbon” estimates....
June 2014
The Obama Administration has released its 645-page proposal that mandates existing U.S. power plants reduce their greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent below...
May 2014
While other countries renege on their carbon reduction policies, President Obama is moving full force to make Americans pay ‘big time’ for...
May 2014
Those pushing for aggressive government intervention in the name of fighting climate change often claim that “the science is settled” and dismiss...