posts tagged as social cost of carbon
August 2015
Julian Morris has produced a detailed study for Reason that explores the costs and benefits of carbon dioxide emissions. Morris concludes with...
July 2015
The “social cost of carbon” (SCC) is a key feature in the debate over climate change as well as the principal justification...
June 2015
The so-called “social cost of carbon” ostensibly measures (in present dollars) the total value of all future climate change damages coming from...
May 2015
Back in 2013, here at IER I discussed Robert Pindyck, a professor of economics and finance at MIT with decades of experience...
April 2015
In December the United Nations will convene in Paris, for the purpose of hammering out an international agreement on climate change. Last...
March 2015
Comment on Revised Draft Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change in...