posts tagged as renewables
May 2020
Investor Warren Buffet once famously said: "For example, on wind energy, we get a tax credit if we build a lot of...
May 2020
According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), 167 gigawatts of renewable capacity are expected to be added in 2020—a decline of 13...
October 2019
Kenny Stein, IER's Policy Director, provided testimony before Indiana’s 21st Century Energy Policy Development Task Force on 10/17/19 on the dangers of...
September 2019
Texas has the most wind capacity of any state, generating about 16 percent of its electricity from wind. In August, as temperatures...
August 2019
Mark Mills has a new report and an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal entitled “If You Want ‘Renewable Energy,’ Get Ready...
July 2019
Solar panels, wind turbines, and electric car batteries are made from some of the most hard-to-get metals on earth— dysprosium, neodymium, manganese, cobalt,...