posts tagged as renewable energy mandate
April 2021
If you think an infrastructure plan means roads and bridges, think again. Only $115 billion of President Biden’s so-called infrastructure plan, called...
March 2021
Congress just spent $1.9 trillion on what was billed as a stimulus package and now President Biden says he needs another $3...
August 2020
While billboards in California might not literally bear the slogan “Move to Texas: We have electricity!”, the real-life contrast between the two...
August 2020
California does it again. In 2001, California experienced rolling blackouts due to energy market manipulation by energy wholesalers and a shortage of...
August 2020
Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate plan is supposed to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from the electric sector by 2035. In...
July 2020
Germany heavily taxes its power consumers for the added cost of wind and solar power. Power consumers make up the difference between...