posts tagged as Norway
July 2021
In a memorable Super Bowl Commercial, Will Farrell was very frustrated that “Norway sells way more electric cars per capita than the...
November 2019
Four countries are estimated to increase their combined oil production by almost one million barrels per day each in 2020 and 2021....
October 2019
In the first half of this year, Norway’s electric vehicle sales garnered 55 percent of the new car market—up from 6 percent...
September 2018
Martha’s Vineyard has bought into the trend of buying Chinese electric buses. With a $545,000 grant from Massachusetts, the Vineyard Transportation Authority...
August 2017
Globally, the number of electric vehicles on the road in 2016 was 2 million, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA). China,...
September 2012
Shell has spent around $4.5 billion to explore for oil in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the Arctic,[i] which according to...