posts tagged as New England
March 2020
The last coal-fired power plant in New York is closing and its power will be replaced by renewable energy—wind and solar power...
March 2020
Data show that solar panels do not work well during Minnesota winters. Solar panels generated nearly 30 percent of their potential output...
February 2020
Twelve states and the District of Columbia are considering joining together in the Transportation and Climate Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
February 2020
The U.S. Northeast is phasing out its coal-fired power plants. Both New England and New York generated 15 percent of their electricity...
February 2020
David T. Stevenson, of the Caesar Rodney Institute, joins the show to discuss the Transportation and Climate Initiative and what a regional...
January 2020
The Transportation and Climate Initiative (TCI) is a regional collaboration of politicians from 11 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia...