posts tagged as natural gas
July 2021
Natural gas prices in Asia and Europe have escalated due to scarce supplies. Hampering supply are China’s strong demand for LNG, a...
July 2021
After suffering from a deadly winter storm causing power outages lasting days in February and the need for conservation from summer heat...
July 2021
Gone are the days when you can use electricity as you want and when you want, at least if you live in...
June 2021
Just before the Memorial Day holiday, President Biden released more info on his budget. The Biden budget proposal released May 28 eliminates...
May 2021
A decade ago, natural gas displaced coal as America’s top electric-power source due to hydraulic fracking technology that provided inexpensive natural gas. Now, environmentalists...
May 2021
Belgium is the latest country to announce it will replace its shuttered nuclear plants with natural gas generation. The country has seven...