posts tagged as IPCC
December 2019
As an economist who writes on climate change policy, my usual stance is to stipulate the so-called “consensus” physical science (as codified...
November 2019
On November 4, President Trump sent a letter to the United Nations beginning the formal process to withdraw the United States from...
October 2019
The goalposts keep shifting in the debate over climate change policy. For example, it used to be called “global warming,” but now...
October 2019
Presumably bolstered by the fiery claims of Greta Thunberg and the general theme of Climate Week, people on Twitter have been declaring...
September 2019
Advocates of aggressive government intervention in the name of fighting climate change have posed as the defenders of “consensus science,” labeling any...
August 2019
In my previous post, I summarized William Nordhaus’ new article, “Economics of the disintegration of the Greenland ice sheet,” which showed that...