posts tagged as Green Jobs
April 2017
Bipartisanship—that romanticized political ideal of a bygone era when Democrats and Republicans could commune together without vitriol and unite behind shared goals—is...
July 2015
Hillary Clinton recently announced two energy goals that she would undertake as President: By the end of her first term, more than half...
July 2015
Many people have been led to believe that renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar must be very affordable since...
February 2014
In September 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama claimed at a speech in Golden, Colo., that his planned investments in "green" energy would...
December 2012
IER's Senior Vice President Dan Kish writes for U.S. News on December 13, 2012: As Congress and President Obama negotiate over how to...
November 2012
The Center for American Progress (CAP) released a study entitled “Regional Energy, National Solutions” that purported to give “A Real Energy Vision...