posts tagged as global energy markets
September 2019
U.S. coal plants are closing due to low natural gas prices, state mandates, and federal subsidies for renewable energy, mainly solar power...
August 2019
After decades of climate-related debate and policy, it’s still a fossil-fuel world. And judging from domestic and global politics, this will continue....
July 2019
Globally, $1.3 trillion is currently being invested in liquefied natural gas (LNG) expansion, which includes $507 billion in the United States. Global...
June 2019
According to the BP Statistical Review of World Energy, natural gas consumption increased more than any other fuel in 2018, increasing its...
May 2018
India signed the Paris Accord, but it is already cutting back on its plans for nuclear power, which produces no greenhouse gases,...
March 2018
BP provides a worldwide view of energy supply and demand through 2040 in its Energy Outlook 2018. The BP Energy Outlook explores...