posts tagged as gas tax
February 2015
We’ve all heard the strategy of not letting a crisis go to waste, but with the fall in gas prices the proponents...
January 2015
In a recent Washington Post article, conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer called for a $1 per gallon hike in the gas tax. His...
December 2014
The sharp fall in crude oil and gasoline prices since the summer has understandably grabbed the attention of analysts and the general...
March 2013
WASHINGTON D.C. -- As lawmakers prepare for coming discussions about the best way to fund the federal government's behemoth transportation and infrastructure...
September 2011
Today, the Center for American Progress released a new report erroneously stating that pro-energy policies don’t create jobs. Senior Vice president for Policy at...
December 2010
The 18-member presidential commission, headed by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson, is set today to vote on its revised plan for reining...