posts tagged as gas prices
May 2012
American refineries are closing and more closures are likely, often because of overly-burdensome regulation as well as lower gasoline demand. Several refineries...
March 2012
In the spirit of March Madness, IER has filled out a bracket of its own. Given the full-court press of new rules,...
March 2012
Last night on Fox Business, IER President Tom Pyle explained to Lou Dobbs how America's vast oil supply -- 200 years of...
March 2012
"Blaming speculators for rising oil prices is like blaming thermometers for a heat wave." Understandably anxious to show the American voters that...
March 2012
If President Obama were serious about domestic oil production, he would look to North Dakota to understand that sound energy policies lead...
March 2012
Lately Bill O’Reilly’s comments regarding gasoline prices have been nonsensical. O’Reilly’s analysis of the oil market and the role of exports is...