posts tagged as fracking
November 2012
The International Energy Agency (IEA) is telling us what we already know[i]: the shale oil boom will make the global energy picture...
September 2012
Last week a group of energy experts testified before a hearing of the House Energy and Power Subcommittee on North American energy...
July 2012
The Energy information Administration reports that energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the United States are 2.4 percent less in 2011 than they...
November 2011
Frequent readers of Paul Krugman’s blog and NYT column know that he isn’t afraid to make sweeping statements and to criticize the...
June 2011
First, hydraulic fracturing gave the United States a boom in shale gas that lowered natural gas prices by 54 percent between 2008...
June 2011
This is not 1962 and this is not a re-run of the television show “The Beverly Hillbillies,” but currently there are many people in...