posts tagged as energy infrastructure
August 2020
A U.S. Department of Energy study has found tremendous opportunities for the Appalachian Basin because of the shale gas revolution and the...
July 2020
While pipelines in the United States face increasingly hostile legal challenges, China is seeing the importance of a national oil and natural...
July 2020
According to an analysis by BW Research, the clean energy industry added 106,000 jobs in June, but employment in the sector is...
July 2020
Presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden’s oil and gas policies will kill jobs in energy-producing states and voters need to be...
July 2020
Kenny Stein, IER's Policy Director, joins the show to discuss recent legal decisions that have impacted the construction of key natural gas...
July 2020
The Dakota Access oil pipeline can continue to operate temporarily, according to a U.S. Appeals Court, which set aside a lower court’s...