posts tagged as emissions
April 2022
The climate policy space is utterly saturated with white papers, briefs, manifestos, and the like. The vast majority of this content enters...
April 2022
Last week, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) released stricter fuel economy standards for automobiles, known as the Corporate Average Fuel Economy CAFE) Standards....
February 2022
The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) are an overreaching regulation promulgated by former President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to...
January 2022
The House Committee on Agriculture hosted a hearing on Wednesday, January 12, on the needed infrastructure and possible impediments to electric vehicle...
January 2022
China started up the first of four 1,000-megawatt units at a new coal-fired power plant in the northwestern region of Inner Mongolia,...
December 2021
Earlier this week, IER’s president Tom Pyle joined the podcast Schweitzer Drive to have a wide-ranging discussion about American energy policy and...