posts tagged as electricity
April 2013
The White House has released its FY 2014 Budget Proposal. It is a mix of massive tax hikes on the most productive...
March 2013
Alabama has lower energy prices than the national average. Its gasoline price is the 12th lowest among the states and 5 percent...
March 2013
WASHINGTON D.C. -- IER Director of Regulatory and State Affairs Daniel Simmons will testify at 11:00AM ET today before the Ohio Senate...
February 2013
Not too long ago, the United States generated roughly 50 percent of its electricity from coal, 20 percent each from nuclear and...
February 2013
A planned 1200 megawatt, $3 billion coal-fired power plant in Corpus Christi, Texas is one of the latest casualties in the war...
January 2013
Germany is phasing out its nuclear plants in favor of wind and solar energy backed-up by coal power. The government’s transition to...