posts tagged as electricity
August 2013
Across the country traditional electric utilities and rooftop solar installers are battling over a controversial incentive program for solar power owners called...
August 2013
In President Obama’s climate speech recently he noted that during his time in office “wind and solar electricity production has doubled” and...
August 2013
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) in its International Energy Outlook 2013 projects that China will remain dependent on coal as its major...
July 2013
On June 27, 2013, President Obama nominated renewable energy advocate Ronald Binz to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This article discusses...
July 2013
The Institute for Energy Research released today its mid-year Energy Overview providing an updated and in-depth analysis of America's energy sources. Using mainly Energy...
June 2013
Historically, electric utility companies built power plants to last 30 years, and those same plants with a little refurbishment are lasting 50...