posts tagged as electricity
December 2015
World leaders are convening in Paris for another United Nations climate summit. UN negotiators are pushing plans to restrict our most affordable...
November 2015
Most modelers calibrate their base cases to the Energy Information Administration (EIA)’s most recent Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) when conducting analyses of...
November 2015
According to a recent study by NERA Economic Consulting, EPA’s regulation of carbon dioxide from power plants, the so-called “Clean Power Plan”...
November 2015
On October 23, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its final regulation on carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants—the so-called...
November 2015
The International Energy Agency (IEA) recently released its World Energy Outlook 2015. The report forecasts world energy production and consumption through 2040....
October 2015
California’s politicians would like you to believe that their electricity comes from non-coal sources. However, while there are very few coal plants...