posts tagged as Donald Trump
February 2018
Various reports suggest that policymakers—including President Trump himself—are considering raising the federal gas tax, by as much as 25 cents per gallon....
July 2017
In Part 1 of this series, I explained that the conventional narrative on President Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris...
July 2017
Former President Obama’s “war on coal” is over due in part to President Trump’s policies. The Corsa Coal Corporation just opened a...
May 2017
Politico is reporting this morning that President Donald Trump will withdraw from the Paris Agreement. Mainstream political commentators have reacted with their...
December 2016
In a recent New York Times article, economics laureate Paul Krugman warned Americans that Donald Trump’s agenda would make the air unsafe...
December 2016
A major component of President-Elect Trump’s campaign consisted of promises to boost job and wage growth for average Americans. To do so,...