posts tagged as Domestic Energy Production
January 2011
It was a running gag that ran throughout the Charlie Brown comic strip series: Lucy holds the football ready for Charlie Brown...
August 2010
The Department of Energy’s independent statistical agency is forecasting that the Obama Administration’s drilling moratorium will reduce domestic oil production. The Energy...
July 2010
Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Continues Killing Jobs in the Gulf The Obama Administration’s offshore moratorium is already sending jobs overseas. Last week, Diamond...
June 2010
IER's Patrick Creighton discusses the Obama Administration's latest corporate handout to the renewable energy industry. On January 8, President Obama announced $2.3...
June 2010
IER's Tom Pyle on Platts Energy Week discussing President Obama's recent offshore exploration announcement with Bill Snape, Senior Counsel at the Center...
May 2010
Energy is the lifeblood of modern society. Learn why by watching this video.