posts tagged as Coal
July 2017
As someone who teaches the history of economic thought, I am happy whenever the hot news involves the ideas of 19th century...
July 2017
Former President Obama’s “war on coal” is over due in part to President Trump’s policies. The Corsa Coal Corporation just opened a...
June 2017
According to BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy[i], global coal production dropped by 6.5 percent in 2016 with a slower drop in...
June 2017
In his Paris Agreement withdrawal announcement last week, Donald Trump memorably stated he was elected to represent “Pittsburgh, not Paris.” The line...
May 2017
Pakistan’s Water and Power Ministry is committed to building as many as 12 new coal-fired power plants over the next 15 years as...
January 2017
BP’s Energy Outlook provides global energy supply and demand forecasts through 2035. In its 2017 edition, global energy demand is expected to...