posts tagged as Coal
September 2019
Despite renewable energy investment more than tripling globally during the current decade compared to the last 10-year period, most of the power...
September 2019
U.S. coal plants are closing due to low natural gas prices, state mandates, and federal subsidies for renewable energy, mainly solar power...
August 2019
As the United States is reducing its coal-fired electricity, Asian countries are increasing their generation from coal. In 2018, the United States...
August 2019
After decades of climate-related debate and policy, it’s still a fossil-fuel world. And judging from domestic and global politics, this will continue....
August 2019
Lawmakers in Ohio have chosen to rescue two existing nuclear plants and two existing coal plants in lieu of mandates on renewable...
July 2019
The Affordable Clean Energy Rule (ACE) provides a plan for states to make realistic assessments and upgrade their power plants with clean...