posts tagged as Coal
January 2021
President Biden’s acting Interior Secretary, Scott de la Vega, issued an order preventing staff from producing any new fossil fuel leases or permits without...
December 2020
China is building an enormous coal-fired fleet—more than the entire generating fleet of the United States from all sources, despite no demonstrated...
December 2020
The European Commission has proposed a 55 percent greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030. Poland, however, refused to agree to it until...
October 2020
According to Democratic Presidential Candidate Biden’s plan, he will focus on “capturing carbon dioxide from power plant exhausts followed by sequestering it...
September 2020
At the September 22nd United Nations meeting, China committed to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and to be carbon neutral...
August 2020
A new report, “Mobilizing for a Zero-Carbon America,” by two San Francisco-based energy researchers calls for tripling the size of the electric...