posts tagged as Coal
March 2021
While the rest of the world is in semi-lockdown and hoping the COVID vaccines will return the world to normalcy, China is...
February 2021
President Biden has declared climate change the nation’s greatest challenge and is supporting policies that could cost thousands of good-paying union jobs...
February 2021
Germany’s millions of solar panels are blanketed in snow and ice and its 30,000 wind turbines are doing nothing as the freezing...
January 2021
President Biden’s acting Interior Secretary, Scott de la Vega, issued an order preventing staff from producing any new fossil fuel leases or permits without...
December 2020
China is building an enormous coal-fired fleet—more than the entire generating fleet of the United States from all sources, despite no demonstrated...
December 2020
The European Commission has proposed a 55 percent greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030. Poland, however, refused to agree to it until...