posts tagged as climate change
December 2014
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry joined world leaders on December 11 for a United Nations climate change conference in Lima, Peru....
November 2014
In recent years, a handful of vocal conservatives have been arguing that a carbon “tax swap deal”—where new revenues from a carbon...
October 2014
A recent news article reports that the US and UK governments are urging the IPCC to frame the final version of its...
October 2014
Bob Inglis recently chaired a forum at the University of Chicago titled, “What Would Milton Friedman Do About Climate Change?” Two Chicago...
October 2014
As time passes, those calling for aggressive government action in the name of fighting climate change have had to ramp up their...
September 2014
In my last post, I showed how the climate change activists were once again moving the goalposts, because they realized that critics...