posts tagged as carbon tax

  • November 2012

    More Political Cronyism for Favored ‘Clean Energy’ Sectors, Reduced U.S. Competitiveness in Global Energy Markets May Result from Inefficient Tax Scheme WASHINGTON...

  • July 2012

    A recent National Journal article on Arizona Senate-hopeful Jeff Flake underlines an unusual feature in today’s political landscape:[i] There are several prominent...

  • February 2011

    [caption id="attachment_9498" align="alignright" width="225" caption="Alan Blinder, Professor of Economics at Princeton University"][/caption] In a recent article (“The Carbon Tax Miracle Cure,” Jan....

  • November 2010

    A recent article in E&E (Nathaniel Gronewold, “Can a carbon tax replace cap and trade?”, 11/22) demonstrates that although cap-and-trade may be...

  • October 2010

    Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you are probably aware that the Republicans are poised to take over the...

  • July 2010

    WASHINGTON, DC – In response to news reports announcing the death of economy-destroying, job-killing legislation to cap carbon, Institute for Energy Research...