posts tagged as carbon emissions
February 2015
We’ve all heard the strategy of not letting a crisis go to waste, but with the fall in gas prices the proponents...
December 2013
The International Energy Agency (IEA) annually estimates global fossil-fuel consumption subsidies that measure what many developing countries spend to provide below-market cost...
December 2012
David Frum, one-time speechwriter for George W. Bush who has now been embraced by progressives for his willingness to throw former comrades...
May 2012
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) just released another study on a Clean Energy Standard proposed by Senator Bingaman,[i] the Chairman of the...
February 2012
Earlier this week, IER submitted its comment on EPA’s proposed light-duty truck greenhouse gas emissions standards. As we will see, even relying on...
January 2012
Every year, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) prepares an Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) which forecasts energy consumption and demand into the future....