posts tagged as carbon emissions
March 2020
“As the U.S. takes steps to make domestic polluters bear the full cost of their carbon pollution, the Biden Administration will impose...
February 2020
A recent Bloomberg article by climate economist Gernot Wagner carries the provocative title: “Why Oil Giants Figured Out Carbon Costs First.” Wagner...
February 2020
China’s energy demand is slumping due to the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and it is affecting energy markets worldwide. Since energy...
February 2020
Climate activist Emily Akin has called it “the most important climate story of the last 10 years: The quiet, concerted effort by...
February 2020
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) continues its optimistic outlook on the cost of wind and solar power, resulting in renewable energy being...
January 2020
The Committee on Energy & Commerce recently released more details of the so-called “CLEAN Future Act,” which “formally adopts the goal of...