posts tagged as carbon emissions
April 2021
“… the retirement of baseload and dispatchable generation has outpaced replacement capacity with adequate characteristics needed to maintain system reliability…. California’s electric...
April 2021
The U.K. government has vastly underestimated how much it will cost to decarbonize heating in British homes—a necessary step in becoming carbon-free. The...
March 2021
Congress just spent $1.9 trillion on what was billed as a stimulus package and now President Biden says he needs another $3...
March 2021
Some climate Tweeters have taken to adorning their Twitter bios with the atmospheric CO2 concentration in the year of their birth. If...
March 2021
It’s happening in slow motion, and the Biden honeymoon keeps the rose-colored glasses on. But make no mistake: the aspirational Paris Agreement...
February 2021
President Biden has declared climate change the nation’s greatest challenge and is supporting policies that could cost thousands of good-paying union jobs...