posts tagged as cap and trade
June 2010
IER's Patrick Creighton talks about the cap-and-trade energy tax working its way through the Senate. A crucial part to realize about cap-and-trade...
June 2010
15,000 officials, 5,000 journalists, and nearly 100 world leaders will travel by plane, train, and automobile to a U.N. global warming conference...
May 2010
Footage of Obama from a June 25, 2009 press conference addressing the Waxman-Markey energy tax. Unfortunately, this bill will cost Americans much...
May 2010
Photo: Harry Hamburg/Associated Press Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman have finally released their cap-and-trade energy tax bill. Like the Kerry-Boxer energy...
May 2010
**UPDATE: American Power Act legislative text now available.** Washington, DC – After months of behind-the-scenes horse-trading and corporate deal-making, Senators John Kerry...
May 2010
IER's Patrick Creighton and Carnegie Mellon economist Lester Lave discuss the Waxman-Markey energy tax. IER Cap and Trade Archive: