posts tagged as cap and trade
February 2019
One of the most interesting aspects of the “Green New Deal” is that its progressive proponents hardly mention taxes at all—even as...
August 2018
Saskatchewan was first to oppose Canada’s federal carbon tax plan. Recently, Ontario joined the western province in opposition. The provinces are challenging...
July 2018
In 2014, Bob Inglis chaired a forum at the University of Chicago titled, “What Would Milton Friedman Do About Climate Change?” Two Chicago...
November 2017
Coal-fired electricity generation is far cleaner today than ever before. The popular misconception that our air quality is getting worse is wrong,...
September 2017
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a cap-and-trade program between nine northeastern and mid-Atlantic states, was recently extended. The states (Maryland, Connecticut,...
January 2016
In a recent editorial, the NYT argued that we have “proof that a carbon tax works.” By “works,” the editorial board meant...