posts tagged as California
June 2021
President Biden has cleared the way for wind turbines off the coast of California. Logistical challenges posed by a deep ocean floor...
May 2021
A decade ago, natural gas displaced coal as America’s top electric-power source due to hydraulic fracking technology that provided inexpensive natural gas. Now, environmentalists...
May 2021
Belgium is the latest country to announce it will replace its shuttered nuclear plants with natural gas generation. The country has seven...
May 2021
San Francisco wants to become carbon neutral by 2045 and is looking at ways to ban natural gas in existing buildings. The...
May 2021
California Governor Gavin Newsom recently ordered state agencies to stop issuing new fracking permits by 2024 and to look for ways to...
April 2021
Indian Point’s last nuclear reactor will be shuttered on April 30, and its power will be largely replaced by natural gas, despite...