posts tagged as biden administration
February 2024
Between the federal government, states and municipalities, billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent adding electric buses to transit fleets across the...
January 2024
Since its founding 35 years ago, the defining characteristics and mission of the Institute for Energy Research have remained constant: that free...
December 2023
President Biden’s Interior Department announced its final drilling plan for offshore oil and gas leasing over the next five years on December...
December 2023
After depleting the U.S. emergency reserve of 235 million barrels of oil bringing it to its lowest level in 40 years, the...
December 2023
The United States is among 63 countries to join a pledge to cut cooling-related emissions at the United Nations climate summit in...
December 2023
Despite well over $1 trillion so far spent by governments on “green energy,” the iShares Global Clean Energy E.T.F., an exchange-traded fund...