September 2009
Energy is critical for our economy and our future and the real issues deserve to be debated. That is why we appreciated...
September 2009
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 14, 2009 Contact: Chris Tucker, 202.346.8825 Patrick Creighton, 202.621.2947 Something Rotten? Obama Says Danes Receive 20% of Their...
June 2009
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 4 , 2009 CONTACT: Laura Henderson 202.621.2951 Patrick Creighton 202.621.2947 Renewable Electricity Mandate: Pay More For Less WASHINGTON—In...
May 2009
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) produces forecasts of energy supply and demand for the next 20 years using the National Energy Modeling...
May 2009
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April 2009
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 6, 2009 CONTACT: Laura Henderson (202) 621-2951 Fantasy Land: Salazar Announces that East Coast Windmills Could Provide 100...