May 2011
According to the Global Wind Energy Council, the world now has 197 gigawatts of installed wind capacity with the largest amount in...
March 2011
Our friends at Reason.TV interview IER Senior Fellow Robert Micheals on renewables and renewable subsidies. One small correction. The narrator states, “as...
February 2011
Gabriel Calzada is Associate Professor of Economics at the King Juan Carlos University in Spain and Founder-President of the Instituto Juan de...
February 2011
Updated February 1, 2011 Download PDF: Levelized Cost of New Electricity Generating Technologies The Energy Information Administration (EIA) produces forecasts of energy...
January 2011
The wind industry would like you to believe that windmills are now cost competitive with natural gas units for electricity generation[i], but...
January 2011
Last week, IER unveiled our new report the status of renewable electricity mandates in the states. This report was a survey on...