June 2012
Argonne National Laboratory, under the stewardship of the Department of Energy, just released a study that found wind energy does not reduce...
May 2012
While the Obama Administration is lollygagging regarding opening federal lands to oil and gas development, its Interior Department has been active in...
May 2012
What is driving U.S. energy policy? One might say Obama, Jackson, Salazar, or even Holdren—or any politician whose visible hand redirects the...
May 2012
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) just released another study on a Clean Energy Standard proposed by Senator Bingaman,[i] the Chairman of the...
April 2012
WASHINGTON D.C. -- The Institute for Energy Research released today a comprehensive energy primer that assesses the U.S. production and consumption levels...
April 2012
The Production Tax Credit (PTC) for wind energy is set to expire at the end of this year. In March the Senate...