May 2013
Without much fanfare, the Department of Energy (DOE) recently updated the list of loan guarantee projects on its website. Unlike in 2008, when Barack...
April 2013
A study from the Journal of Power Sources indicated that by 2030 the grid could be powered almost entirely using a mix...
April 2013
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) Interim CEO Robert Gramlich testified on April 16 before a joint hearing of the House Science Subcommittees on...
April 2013
WASHINGTON D.C. -- IER Senior Fellow Robert Michaels will testify at 2:00PM today before a joint hearing of the House Science Subcommittees on...
April 2013
"I have analyzed every existing argument that attempts to link support for renewables to green jobs. In every case I have found...
April 2013
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently issued its third annual report exposing unnecessary duplication and overlapping programs throughout the federal government.[i] The...