August 2020
This week the team highlights articles focusing on the problems created by California's renewable energy mandates including blackouts and price spikes, as...
August 2020
Lisa Linowes, of WindAction, joins the show to discuss serious problems with the wind energy industry and how government intervention, primarily in...
August 2020
California does it again. In 2001, California experienced rolling blackouts due to energy market manipulation by energy wholesalers and a shortage of...
August 2020
In 2010, Germany embarked on a forty-year experiment in energy central planning in an effort to reduce the country’s carbon footprint by...
August 2020
Recently, the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee approved changes to the Democratic platform that include a commitment to “end subsidies for fossil...
August 2020
Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s $2 trillion climate plan is supposed to eliminate carbon dioxide emissions from the electric sector by 2035. In...