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Renewable Mandate Status: On Track
Eligible resources: wind, solar, hydroelectricity, biogas, geothermal, wave/tidal, biomass, biofuels, and hydrogen produced from renewable sources.[iii]
Compliance schedule:[iv]
[table id=9 /]
Renewable Portfolio History: Established renewable portfolio goal in 2001 (9% by end of 2010). This was replaced with an enforceable RPS mandate through DC 2474 which required 20% by 2020. S.B. 3185 in 2006 made additional modifications allowing for solar water heating, seawater air-condition district cooling systems, and electrical conservation savings to qualify for the RPS. H.B. 1464 in 2009 increased mandate to current level of 40% by 2030[v].
Credit Trading: No
Noncompliance penalty: The penalty is at the discretion of the PUC which can assess penalties for noncompliance.[vi]
Electricity Price Ranking: Highest in the United States[vii]
- 24.71 cents/KWh in Hawaii
- 7.67 cents/KWh in non-mandated states
[ii] Haw. RS §269-92 (Dec. 31, 2003),
[iii] Haw. RS §269-91 (Dec. 31, 2003),
[iv] Haw. RS §269-92 (Dec. 31, 2003),
[v] Database of state Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency, Hawaii,
[vi] Hawaii Revised Statutes 269-91,
[vii] EIA, Electric Power Monthly, Table 5.6.B., Average Retail Price of Electricity, June 2010, Released Sept. 15, 2010,