February 2023
Gasoline and diesel prices were trending down since the fall, but in recent weeks, prices are on the way up again. Incidentally,...
January 2023
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/white_house__gas_prices-1080p.mp4"][/video] Joe Biden’s administration and certain elements in Congress have a plan for American energy: make it harder to...
January 2023
Residents in several Chinese Provinces are going without natural gas heat during the evenings as their local provinces lack funds to purchase...
January 2023
Gasoline prices are on an uptick as President Biden’s deliveries of oil from the U.S. emergency reserve ended shortly after the November...
January 2023
A Commissioner of President Biden’s Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) wants a ban on indoor gas stoves. Richard Trumka Jr., a Biden commissioner...
January 2023
Biden’s Department of Energy will not be refilling the nation’s emergency reserves, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, any time soon as the agency...