May 2023
Driving, busing, flying, cruising, or riding the rails are necessities for emotional well-being and happiness. Freedom from locational stasis is an essential...
May 2023
China is building coal plants that last for 4 to 6 decades and even developing “smart coal mines.” If one believes that...
May 2023
President Biden and the Democrats in Congress have a plan for American energy: make it harder to produce and more expensive to...
May 2023
The Biden administration is soliciting bids for up to 3 million barrels of sour oil—one tanker’s worth--to refill the emergency reserve stockpile...
May 2023
President Biden outlined a set of permitting reform objectives designed to support his administration’s climate agenda, but made no reference to incentivizing the...
May 2023
EPA’s proposed power plant rule hits coal plants particularly hard since they would need an extremely expensive technology that is not yet...