September 2015
According to the BP Statistical Review, from 2013 to 2014, world consumption of coal increased by 14.8 million tons of oil equivalent...
August 2015
Last November, President Obama made a deal with China, pledging that the United States would reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions by...
August 2015
President Obama told America in 2008 that “if you want to build a coal plant, you can, but it will bankrupt you.”...
August 2015
Unfortunately for the American public and the coal industry, the EPA has finalized its so-called “Clean Power Plan” and other rules affecting...
August 2015
On Monday, the Obama administration released the final version of its so-called “Clean Power Plan” regulating carbon dioxide from existing power plants....
July 2015
As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) threatens to shut down vast amounts of coal power plants, the federal government continues to shower...