Originally posted by Marcellus Drilling News


Last month MDN brought you the news that Joe Biden is renominating Richard “Dick” Glick to serve yet another undistinguished term at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (see Joe Biden Renominates Dick Glick for Another FERC Term). Glick, a Democrat and former wind lobbyist who is an extreme anti-pipeline radical, was first appointed under Donald Trump. Glick is currently the Chairman of the Commission. He needs all 50 Democrat Senators to vote in favor of reappointing him.

There is a serious effort underway to convince Sen. Joe Manchin from West Virginia to vote against Glick, which would likely block his reappointment (see Tell Joe Manchin to Block Dick Glick for Another 5-Yr FERC Term). Here’s some more fuel for the fire to deny Glick another term: The Wall Street Journal is reporting Glick has held secret biweekly meetings at the White House for some time, indicating he receives marching orders from the Bidenistas on the kinds of policies they want implemented–including no new pipelines…


Read the full article here, at Marcellus Drilling News

Read documents uncovered by IER’s FOIA lawsuits against FERC here.