The Wyss Foundation
The information below highlights Big Green, Inc. funding from specific grantmakers.
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The Wyss Foundation
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Grant Maker | Recipient | Issue | Amount | Year | State |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $75,000 | 2013 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $75,000 | 2012 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $85,000 | 2010 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $85,000 | 2009 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wilderness Coalition | General operations | $85,000 | 2008 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $500,000 | 2015 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $10,000 | 2014 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $52,800 | 2012 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $200,000 | 2009 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Grand Canyon Trust | General operations | $450,000 | 2008 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sky Island Alliance | General operations | $45,000 | 2009 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sky Island Alliance | General operations | $45,000 | 2008 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sonoran Institute | General operations | $210,000 | 2012 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sonoran Institute | General operations | $200,000 | 2011 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sonoran Institute | General operations | $248,000 | 2010 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sonoran Institute | General operations | $640,000 | 2009 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Sonoran Institute | General operations | $684,000 | 2008 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center | General operations | $2,500 | 2010 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $300,000 | 2014 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $300,000 | 2013 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Desert Mountains | General operations | $52,800 | 2010 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Desert Mountains | General operations | $52,800 | 2009 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | League to Save Lake Tahoe Sierra Nevada Alliance | General operations | $135,450 | 2011 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | PAMS Foundation | General operations | $371,320 | 2016 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $3,074,300 | 2016 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $1,174,231 | 2014 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $450,000 | 2013 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $250,000 | 2011 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $210,000 | 2010 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $25,000 | 2008 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Club Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Club Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Club Foundation | General operations | $330,000 | 2014 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Club Foundation | General operations | $165,000 | 2013 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Club Foundation | General operations | $165,000 | 2012 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Nevada Alliance | General operations | $135,450 | 2011 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sierra Nevada Alliance | General operations | $50,575 | 2010 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Tides Center | General operations | $420,000 | 2014 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trust for Public Land | General operations | $98,650 | 2013 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Tuleyome | General operations | $52,800 | 2012 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Tuleyome | General operations | $52,800 | 2011 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | WildAid | General operations | $535,000 | 2016 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | WildAid | General operations | $230,000 | 2015 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Campaign for America's Wilderness | General operations | $15,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Native Ecosystems | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Native Ecosystems | General operations | $55,125 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Native Ecosystems | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Canyons Association | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Canyons Association | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Environmental Coalition | General operations | $125,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Environmental Coalition | General operations | $50,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Environmental Coalition | General operations | $100,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Environmental Coalition | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Environmental Coalition | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado | General operations | $75,000 | 2014 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado | General operations | $50,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $1,552,800 | 2014 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $1,510,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $1,525,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $1,543,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Lands Foundation | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $265,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $225,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $225,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $225,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthjustice | General operations | $125,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $50,000 | 2014 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $30,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $90,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $55,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $45,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $45,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Great Old Broads for Wilderness | General operations | $45,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | National Conservation System Foundation | General operations | $1,102,800 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | National Conservation System Foundation | General operations | $552,800 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $396,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $20,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $3,349,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Quiet Use Coalition | General operations | $5,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Rocky Mountain Wild | General operations | $200,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Rocky Mountain Wild | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $90,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $165,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $165,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $165,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | San Juan Citizens Alliance | General operations | $125,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Sheep Mountain Alliance | General operations | $20,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Sheep Mountain Alliance | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Sheep Mountain Alliance | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Sheep Mountain Alliance | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Colorado Congress | General operations | $25,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $2,302,800 | 2014 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $1,565,280 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $55,280 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $25,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Conservation Foundation | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $100,000 | 2014 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $100,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $140,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $140,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $140,000 | 2010 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $140,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Mining Action Project | General operations | $155,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Resource Advocates | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Resource Advocates | General operations | $77,000 | 2009 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Resource Advocates | General operations | $395,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Land Trust | General operations | $3,150,000 | 2015 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Land Trust | General operations | $200,000 | 2013 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Land Trust | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Land Trust | General operations | $500,000 | 2008 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Arabella Legacy Fund | General operations | $832,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $647,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $350,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for American Progress | General operations | $350,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | General operations | $1,230,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities | General operations | $500,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | General operations | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Constitutional Accountability Center | General operations | $400,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $250,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $100,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Defenders of Wildlife | General operations | $120,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Earthworks | General operations | $75,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment America Research and Policy Center | General operations | $12,500 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society U.S. Inc | General operations | $999,962 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society U.S. Inc | General operations | $1,323,310 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | League of Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $211,500 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | General operations | $25,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Parks Conservation Association | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Trust for Historic Preservation | General operations | $120,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Refuge Association | General operations | $394,500 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New America Foundation | General operations | $150,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $4,208,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $4,000,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $528,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $6,352,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $2,940,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $405,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $775,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $225,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $400,000 | 2016 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $2,100,000 | 2015 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Outdoor Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Outdoor Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Public Citizen Foundation | General operations | $30,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $17,700 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $750,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $65,165 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership | General operations | $200,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | United States Bureau of Land Management | General operations | $356,907 | 2009 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | United States Bureau of Land Management | General operations | $999,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $135,000 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $15,000 | 2012 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $235,000 | 2011 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $291,000 | 2010 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Wilderness Society | General operations | $165,000 | 2008 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | World Wildlife Fund | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters for Idaho Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters for Idaho Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters for Idaho Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $177,600 | 2016 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $190,000 | 2014 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $160,000 | 2013 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $344,250 | 2012 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $708,250 | 2011 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $202,800 | 2010 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $178,000 | 2009 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Idaho Conservation League | General operations | $75,000 | 2008 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $115,000 | 2013 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $52,800 | 2012 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $97,800 | 2011 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $45,000 | 2010 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $45,000 | 2009 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Winter Wildlands Alliance | General operations | $45,000 | 2008 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Law Center | General operations | $10,000 | 2014 | IN |
The Wyss Foundation | International Fund for Animal Welfare | General operations | $350,000 | 2016 | MA |
The Wyss Foundation | International Fund for Animal Welfare | General operations | $450,000 | 2015 | MA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $3,862,000 | 2009 | MD |
The Wyss Foundation | Trust for Public Land | General operations | $4,250,000 | 2012 | ME |
The Wyss Foundation | Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness | General operations | $100,000 | 2014 | MN |
The Wyss Foundation | American Prairie Foundation | General operations | $1,500,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | American Rivers | General operations | $52,800 | 2012 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | American Rivers | General operations | $52,800 | 2011 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Backcountry Hunters and Anglers | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Backcountry Hunters and Anglers | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Missouri Breaks Monument | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of the Missouri Breaks Monument | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $127,800 | 2014 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $127,800 | 2013 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $75,000 | 2012 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $75,000 | 2010 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $152,800 | 2009 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Greater Yellowstone Coalition | General operations | $202,800 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $150,000 | 2013 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $62,000 | 2014 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $62,000 | 2013 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $23,000 | 2012 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $50,000 | 2011 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $95,000 | 2010 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $95,000 | 2009 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wildlife Federation | General operations | $95,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $137,634 | 2012 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $77,800 | 2011 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $105,000 | 2010 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $14,442,400 | 2010 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $177,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Swan Valley Connections | General operations | $18,000 | 2012 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $30,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Organization Of Resource Councils | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Organization Of Resource Councils | General operations | $110,000 | 2009 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Organization Of Resource Councils | General operations | $185,000 | 2008 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | American Whitewater | General operations | $200,000 | 2014 | NC |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters New Mexico Education Fund | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $280,000 | 2013 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $155,000 | 2011 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $160,000 | 2010 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $182,500 | 2009 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $142,500 | 2008 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $75,000 | 2014 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $145,000 | 2013 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $125,000 | 2012 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $50,000 | 2010 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wildlife Federation | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | WildEarth Guardians | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | WildEarth Guardians | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $115,000 | 2014 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $115,000 | 2013 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $25,000 | 2012 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $25,000 | 2011 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $25,000 | 2010 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of Nevada Wilderness | General operations | $25,000 | 2008 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Nevada Wilderness Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2012 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Nevada Wilderness Project | General operations | $75,000 | 2011 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Nevada Wilderness Project | General operations | $150,000 | 2010 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Nevada Wilderness Project | General operations | $115,000 | 2009 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | Nevada Wilderness Project | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | NV |
The Wyss Foundation | African Parks Foundation of America | General operations | $3,010,000 | 2016 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | African Parks Foundation of America | General operations | $2,600,000 | 2015 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | African Parks Foundation of America | General operations | $410,000 | 2014 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Popular Democracy | General operations | $2,750,000 | 2014 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Environmental Defense Fund | General operations | $40,000 | 2013 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $40,000 | 2014 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $40,000 | 2013 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $40,000 | 2012 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $40,000 | 2011 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $153,000 | 2010 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $40,000 | 2009 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Natural Resources Defense Council | General operations | $188,000 | 2008 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Conservancy | General operations | $6,950,000 | 2016 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $200,000 | 2014 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $200,000 | 2013 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $225,000 | 2012 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $200,000 | 2010 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Rockefeller Family Fund | General operations | $1,625,000 | 2011 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2016 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $52,600 | 2012 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Sustainable Markets Foundation | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wildlife Conservation Society | General operations | $1,705,000 | 2016 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wildlife Conservation Society | General operations | $575,000 | 2015 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wildlife Conservation Society | General operations | $48,450 | 2015 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Backcountry Hunters and Anglers | General operations | $300,000 | 2013 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Diversity and the Environment | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Center for Diversity and the Environment | General operations | $52,800 | 2013 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center | General operations | $64,500 | 2016 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | National Center for Conservation Science and Policy | General operations | $35,000 | 2008 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Natural Desert Association | General operations | $375,000 | 2013 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Natural Desert Association | General operations | $175,000 | 2011 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Natural Desert Association | General operations | $231,300 | 2010 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Natural Desert Association | General operations | $202,800 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Natural Desert Association | General operations | $115,000 | 2008 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Oregon Wild | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Soda Mountain Wilderness Council | General operations | $535,000 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Soda Mountain Wilderness Council | General operations | $35,000 | 2008 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Trust for Public Land | General operations | $350,000 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Trust for Public Land | General operations | $1,454,520 | 2008 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Environmental Law Center | General operations | $26,250 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2015 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $6,100,000 | 2014 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $2,500,000 | 2013 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $150,000 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Wild Salmon Center | General operations | $60,000 | 2009 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Wild Salmon Center | General operations | $205,000 | 2008 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | Society of Environmental Journalists | General operations | $235,000 | 2016 | PA |
The Wyss Foundation | Society of Environmental Journalists | General operations | $385,000 | 2014 | PA |
The Wyss Foundation | Citizens for Dixies Future | General operations | $52,800 | 2014 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Citizens for Dixies Future | General operations | $52,800 | 2012 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance | General operations | $100,000 | 2011 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance | General operations | $100,000 | 2010 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance | General operations | $100,000 | 2009 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Colorado Plateau Archaeological Alliance | General operations | $100,000 | 2008 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Utah Rivers Council | General operations | $25,000 | 2009 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Fund | General operations | $738,750 | 2014 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Fund | General operations | $60,000 | 2010 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Fund | General operations | $120,000 | 2009 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Fund | General operations | $173,000 | 2008 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $52,800 | 2015 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $75,000 | 2014 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $160,000 | 2013 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | National Wildlife Federation | General operations | $55,000 | 2008 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $3,000,000 | 2016 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $9,237,734 | 2015 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $250,000 | 2014 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $160,000 | 2013 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Nature Conservancy | General operations | $150,000 | 2012 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $52,800 | 2016 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $250,000 | 2015 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2014 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $2,835,800 | 2013 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $252,800 | 2012 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $665,000 | 2011 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $482,800 | 2010 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $602,800 | 2009 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $383,000 | 2008 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Tsavo Conservation Group | General operations | $8,309 | 2015 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition | General operations | $52,800 | 2009 | WA |
The Wyss Foundation | Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition | General operations | $77,800 | 2008 | WA |
The Wyss Foundation | Sand County Foundation | General operations | $85,000 | 2015 | WI |
The Wyss Foundation | Tsavo Conservation Group | General operations | $400,000 | 2016 | WI |
The Wyss Foundation | Biodiversity Conservation Alliance | General operations | $8,500 | 2010 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Powder River Basin Resource Council | General operations | $52,800 | 2009 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Powder River Basin Resource Council | General operations | $52,800 | 2008 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Conservation Voters | General operations | $50,000 | 2009 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Conservation Voters | General operations | $50,000 | 2008 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $105,000 | 2014 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $105,000 | 2013 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $105,000 | 2012 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $105,000 | 2011 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $157,800 | 2010 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $157,800 | 2009 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | Wyoming Outdoor Council | General operations | $75,000 | 2008 | WY |
The Wyss Foundation | African Parks Foundation of America | General operations | $7,010,000 | 2018 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Arizona Wildlife Federation | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | AZ |
The Wyss Foundation | Back Country Hunters and Anglers | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Colorado Education Fund | General operations | $150,000 | 2018 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Fund | General operations | $7,191,000 | 2018 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | Conservation Voters for Idaho Education Fund | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | ID |
The Wyss Foundation | Ducks Unlimited | General operations | $275,000 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Earth Conservation Corps | General operations | $20,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | EcoFlight | General operations | $50,000 | 2018 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Elephant Action League | General operations | $95,000 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Environment News Trust | General operations | $50,000 | 2018 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | Four Corners School of Outdoor Education | General operations | $25,000 | 2018 | UT |
The Wyss Foundation | Frankfurt Zoological Society | General operations | $2,080,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Friends of the Inyo | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Montana Wilderness Association | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | MT |
The Wyss Foundation | National Caucus of Environmental Legislators | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Naational Geographic Society | General operations | $8,900,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | National Park Trust | General operations | $200,000 | 2018 | MD |
The Wyss Foundation | New Mexico Wilderness Alliance | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | NM |
The Wyss Foundation | New Venture Fund | General operations | $8,500,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Ocean Conservancy | General operations | $35,000 | 2018 | PA |
The Wyss Foundation | Oceana | General operations | $377,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Open Space Institute | General operations | $2,650,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Osa Conservation | General operations | $3,300,000 | 2018 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Potomac Conservancy | General operations | $20,000 | 2018 | MD |
The Wyss Foundation | Resources Legacy Fund | General operations | $2,300,600 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | The Nature Conservancy | General operations | $5,400,674 | 2018 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | The Outdoor Foundation | General operations | $52,800 | 2018 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | The Trust for Public Land | General operations | $2,175,000 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | The Wilderness Land Trust | General operations | $75,000 | 2018 | CO |
The Wyss Foundation | The Wilderness Society | General operations | $1,000,000 | 2018 | DC |
The Wyss Foundation | Trout Unlimited | General operations | $1,052,800 | 2018 | VA |
The Wyss Foundation | U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communties | General operations | $100,000 | 2018 | SC |
The Wyss Foundation | Western Rivers Conservancy | General operations | $2,527,800 | 2018 | OR |
The Wyss Foundation | WildAid | General operations | $475,000 | 2018 | CA |
The Wyss Foundation | Wildlife Conservation Society | General operations | $980,000 | 2018 | NY |
The Wyss Foundation | Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative | General operations | $400,000 | 2018 | MT |
The data for this project was collected from publicly available federal 990 tax returns.
The grants listed in the database are organized in the following categories based on the description provided on the entity's tax return froms:
Oil and Gas
Climate Change
General Operations
Public Engagement
Political Activism
Questions or corrections regarding the data should be directed to [email protected]
Data Sources, Disclosures, and Disclaimers
Institute for Energy Research holds its academic standards to the highest degree. In order to ensure transparency with the information collected for Big Green Inc., we have included the following disclaimer: